
NONPROFIT SPOTLIGHT – Forty to None Project and True Colors Fund aim to end LGBT youth homelessness

By Jama Shelton, LMSW, Ph.D., Forty To None project director @PagingDrJama   Jama Shelton In America, it is estimated that up to 1.6 million youth are homeless each year, and up to 40 percent of them identify as gay, lesbian, bisexual or transgender. Yet, only up to 7 percent of the general youth population does the same. The Forty to None Project is working both proactively and reactively to address the issue and, ultimately, reduce the disproportionate percentage from 40 percent to none. It is asking the business sector to join the effort.
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By |October 18th, 2014|Feature Stories, Nonprofit, Public Sector|2 Comments

Inspired by Brilliance – Fall 2014

October is LGBT History Month, and we are all beneficiaries of the contributions made by LGBT people in the arts, sciences, sports, entertainment, government, philanthropy, business, etc. Spend a few moments reflecting on the brilliance of the many people who have shaped our collective history — people who happen to be LGBT. In the pages
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By |October 17th, 2014|Publisher’s Note|1 Comment